Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wind, WInd and more Wind

Today was the last full day of hunting for Team Delta and GLW, We woke to 35mph NE winds with the forecast to blow to 40, And the weather service was dead on 40 is about the limit to hunt from the boat, We had a few shots at Kings on Sealion neck but the 15-20 ft waves were just too much with the gust's reaching 45. A couple of the guys hunted Desperation cove and shot a few Harlequin and then we went to the Lagoon for a few Longtails. Overall a tough day with the weather. We finished the day off with a great last meal of Surf & Turf Primerib and all the crab legs you can eat along with some dirty rice and Duck. Overall a great week and some memories that will never be forgotten and meeting some great new people that we will have see again in the near future. I want to Personally thank all the guys for coming and there understanding of what a real trophy hunt is and appreciating the raw power and Beauty of the Bering Sea and the bounty she gives up hard the might King Eider. Overall for the week we harvested 19 King EIders along with many HArlequin, Longtails 3 goldeneye and a couple WW scoters, considering the weather and wind We are all very happy. We were blessed to have some very talented people here this week and Singer Song Writer Shawn Philbrick who harvested his limit of kings wrote a very inspirational Song - Ballad about the Bering Sea named In Pursuit of the King. We will be releasing it shortly as it is great. Thank You very much I love it.
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