Thursday, January 19, 2012

Russ and Rex Show at NE

Week 5 went just as planned 3 hunted from the boat with me in the previous post and the other 4 hunters went with Capt Russ and Rex to one of our shore points up north. Mark,Mike Jeff and Bob had a great start with around 200 Kings flying by in the first hour along with several groups of trophy Harlequin,The birds gave the guys some great action to start there week off. As always many of the Kings were outside range of our shotguns, but this still keeps the action and adrenaline pumped up. Mike was the top gun at NE with 2 kings and 3 harlequin in am and another king and 2 WW in the after noon. Bob also broke his cherry with his first King and had some shooting at Harlequin, Overall 5 out of 7 hunters for the day ended with a total of 12 Kings along with a real nice mix bag of WW,Harlequin and Longtails. Russ had a great afternoon in the Bankes boat to finish the afternoon out strong for everyone.






  1. Congratulations Jerry nice looking mature Kings, now you can enjoy the rest of the trip with zero pressure.

  2. One more day in paradise before back to reality, Jerry hope you get them tomorrow.
