Saturday, January 14, 2012

We beat the South Wind

The south wind blew hard today 30-40mph, as many of you know this is the worst wind for Island X due to the boat ramps and no protection from the wind, We decided to split up Rex& Russ took 1/2 the guys by snowmobile up north and I took 2 out in the Bankes Boat. Considering the wind and weather and 6-10 ft seas rolling outside , We did great, We got 2 drake kings , 1 harlequin and a ww scoter from the boat and Rex & Russ got a pair of kings and a Harlequin, 4out of the 5 hunters got kings on day 1 of one of the toughest weather days yet. A big congrats goes out to our Guest's from Ohio and the great Lakes waterfowl forum, Seems like a great bunch of guys and day 1 has already set a high standard.




1 comment:

  1. Good job Charlie, Russ, and Rex even when the odds and weather are against you.
