Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DAY 2 OF WEEK 3 ISLAND X The winds and storm from yesterday lingered this am and with -15 windchill we gave the kings the am off and decided to wait till after lunch to go out, We launched the boat on the east ramp at 2pm as more ice is building in the harbor due to the the north-NW wind blowing at 28-40mph and snow. Dan Martis killed his 3rd king And Kevin & Kevin both got a Hen in the 1 hour we hunted. It was a typical Island X deal the weather lets up and suckers us out to launch the boat and go hunt as soon as we get out 400 yds and start running decoys the wind switches 25degrees and picks back up needless to say it was a short hunt, but fairly successful 1 hour and 3 Eiders. We managed to also have our first fresh crab of the season, dan & Jackie showing off helping with some fresh crab appetizers. MMMM-MMM good. The winds are letting up and temps are rising Team X-Treme is very optimistic for tomorrow to finish up our last 2 guest's with some kings. Just Sitting here smelling fresh homemade bread, Grilled Pork loin and Greenbean casserole and a homemade Chocolate cake from Debs Kitchen. Gotta run to go eat. Weare ready for a big smackdown 2morrow.





  1. Nice Kings and Crabs Charlie, the Dinner sounds delicious!

  2. Charlie....you guys are having an outstanding season this year!!! Loving your blog!!
