Thursday, January 5, 2012

King Eider Hunting Safari success

Photobucket Despite the colder than normal weather and the harbor being froze up we continue to drive on and pursue the mighty King with much success, With 11 years of hunting experience on the island hunting for kings, It all pays off knowing where and when to be on the X. In the past 3 days even with bad weather we have put 15 kings to the boat and missed another 15-20. We also had a little safari action today with a few of the guys hunting foxes in the am and getting a couple real Nice Trophies. A big congrats goes out to 3 new members of the King Eider Club, Gordy from Portland, And Dell JR & Dell 111 from Texas as everyone has gotten there kings this week with many of the guys with 3 or 4 already plus some bonus birds of WW Scoters, Harlequin and Longtails. As for it being a gong SHow out here, This could not be farther from the truth Aleutian Island Waterfowlers has not been hindered or had our hunting affected 1 bit by another Outfitter on the island if anything the extra boat has helped us for safety and bird traffic, We hunt our areas that we have always hunted and they hunt theres and everybody seems to be coexisting just fine despite the rumors and occasional miscommunication. Anyway we are on a record setting pace to top last years #'s of Mature Trophy King Eiders and leading the way On Island X with happy hunters and a full camp. As always I will put my past results and continued success up for the public to judge as The truth is in the pudding, the end results tell the story better than any website or Duck forums propaganda. We look forward to the rest of our season and all the rest of our guest's showing up in the next few weeks. Sincerely Capt Charlie, Capt Russ, Rex & Deb





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