Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tis the season to be merry, our old friends Capt Andy Hillstrands and the Time Bandit crew were in Port today and we went down to say hello and wish them a safe season, Just like last season The crab is flowing through Island X along with lots of King Eider blood in our boats. After today's 9 kings and 4 more Guests getting kings on day 1, we are at 43 for the season so far. We had another lady get her kings today Jackie Martis along with her husband and Past client Dan Martis from Illinois. Kevin also got a nice Drake from Superman Point along with some nice Harlequin, Dave got his limit of trophy longtails along with getting a shot at his first kings. Deb is enjoying having another lady in camp and the pictures are kinda nice also hope everyone enjoys a few of our Pics from today. We quit early due to the Winter storm warning as the winds are gusting between 40-50mph as we speak along with the roads being in tough shape. Gonna blow for a few days but lots of birds around and we will finish up our last 2 guest's as soon as safely possible. ANyway best wishes to everyone. And a big I miss my Wife and daughters cant wait to see you in a few weeks, thanks for keeping things going at the office. Charlie Kingeider hunting ladyduckhunter timebandit Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!! Now Deb has a King Eider hunting Partner!!!!!!
