Friday, November 15, 2013

Cold Bay Duck Hunting 2014

After taking a few years off from Hunting Cold bay and Izembek lagoon Aleutian Island Waterfowlers has decided to take up where we left off , As we hunted there for close to 10 years from 1995-2005, having a plane based there many seasons, along with our boats and Gear as we were the first guides in offering commercial guiding with Al Spalliger of Izembek lodge.

 Due to the recent increase in request to go back we have decided to take 3-4 groups down during the prime season of early Oct to  Early November . To target some early season Pacific eiders and Harlequin along with Brant and Teal before we start up in Adak and Kodiak and finish in St Paul Island.  If anyone is interested please give me a call as these limited spots will go fast, as we are offering some heavily discounted packages for the first season with week trips starting at, $3400pp. Duck hunting in Cold Bay is like riding a bike once you done it it comes right back.  We also will be offering DIY unguided hunts Mid Sept- MId Oct with week packages starting around $2400pp and will include a vehicle, lodging and decoys and daily help along with the chance to get a daily guide if you decide to upgrade the trip.


  1. I always dream to experience hunting... I wish it came true.

    Armonk IT Consulting

  2. To target some early season Pacific eiders and Harlequin along with Brant and Teal before we start up in Adak and Kodiak and finish in St Paul Island.
    Outfitters hunting
