Monday, December 31, 2012

King Eiders 5 for 5 in 30 hours

We started on time as always with our 1st guest's coming in Dec 28, No delays or hickups all our luggage made it with us along with our first group of guest's from Texas. Rex and Deb did a great job opening up camp as they came in the 23 to ready everything and as always had things in ship shape. A big thank you goes out to Moe, Michelle and Dustin for helping Deb and Rex with things and opening up. As for the EPic Day on Dec 28 Congrats to Moe and Jeff sorry i missed out on that fun, Moe stopped over that night to say hi and wish us a good season as I was unpacking and i could tell by the glow in his eyes that they had a great day. Then he told me the body count. 2 boats 6 hunters and allot of eiders. Congrats We started our season off on the 29th with the banks boat taking 3 hunters for kings and Rex and Russ taking 2 for Harlequin on superman point and the hunting didnt let us down, right out of the shoot the first day we banged em hard . Kings, Harlequin and Longtails. Then today the weather changed a bit but we still had a real good day knocking plenty more kings to the water and 5 hunters out of 5 all killing mature drakes in under 48 hours of landing on the Island, Not sure how much better we could do with 1 boat in the water as we were waiting for our 3rd zodiaks along with new motors to arrive for our 2nd King Boat. It arrived finally and as of tomorrow we will be up to full speed 3 boats, 2 snowmobiles and sleds and Me Rex and Russ in full gear. groupwk1 There seems to be allot of Kings around which is good and today one of our couples really hit some hogs, SO we are excited 3 more days and all the pressure is off just gravy hunting. Anyway Heres was opening day along with a few other happy guest's from the first 2 days hunting. rickking1 loganking chrisking Today 1 of our female hunters Stacey and her husband put the smackdown on the hogs, Texas will never be the same where do you go from here. in 2 days Stacey has taken Longtails, Limit of Harlequin, Trophy double barred Henalong with some hog Kings, This gal is a shooter. Guess it doesnt hurt that she has been a topped ranked shooter in the world for females couplekings I'll take 9 kings in the first 30 hours of hunting with only 1 king boat hunting and all Pigs any day of the year. No pressure now !! As we shook out the cob webs and are ready to hit it hard, Day 3 is bringing 20-35 knot winds NW so it will be a bit challenging but there is always somewhere to kill kings.[/COLOR][/B]

Friday, December 7, 2012

King Eider Mounts

Just Wanted to post a couple pics of our Kings That we took on island X. As many of you know we pioneered King Eider Hunting in 2000 and with our 12 season coming up you can still be assured of  the top King Eider hunts in all of the world. We are also still the only King Eider Outfitter that offers a 100% return policy for any of our hunters that don't have the opportunity to harvest a King Eider on our fully guided Island X trips.

Cheers Capt Charlie

King eider Mounts